The very first time I met Vanessa & Darren, it was at a bonfire one cold August night back in 2009. After many hours of hot chocolate and smores, we were still chatting around the fire about life, love, and the challenges of having a new mortgage. Little did I know that our friendship would be long lasting and full of precious memories.
On the morning of Luke’s birth I received a message from Darren. Vanessa had been admitted to John Hunter Hospital the day before, her waters were broken at around 3cm in an attempt to get contractions started and by Friday morning at 11am, I was given the green light to head to hospital for all the excitement. It was such a familiar sight, walking into the birthing suite to see my friends faces. This was Vanessa & Darren’s 3rd baby. It was such an honour to have documented each of their children’s births and I was super excited to be capturing Luke’s birth too.
After a few hours of labour, Darren’s relentless support, and an epidural to ease contractions, sweet baby Luke came out in a big hurry and surprised all of us. Mum, Dad, and big sisters Judah & Naomi were instantly besotted with their new little family member and Vanessa & Darren will no doubt “nail” being parents to 3.
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of Luke’s story, I feel so blessed to be a part of his entrance into this big wide world x
Music: “Endless” by Marie Hindes
Licensed by: The Music Bed